I spent years miserable, assuming that pill was going to "fix" me. Yet, I felt like I was barely surviving...
Finally, in 2015, I uncovered the HUGE problem not discussed in the Dr's office!
The MASSIVE CONNECTION thyroid function and hormones have to FOOD - (Even healthy food!)
eat "FOR" thyroid health?
AND because of it I've been medication FREE for the last 5 years and feel amazing at the age of 45!
I had to accept how I felt as my new normal.
I never knew eating "for" thyroid health was a thing or something I should even do. I mean sure we all know to "eat healthy", but I never knew there were HEALTHY FOODS that could lead to damaging my thyroid. And I NEVER KNEW that being deficient in nutrients or macros mattered to my hormone production!! Or even that my IBS, high cholesterol, diabetes, heartburn, depression, and anxiety WERE ALL CONNECTED to my thyroid disease AND how I was eating!!
I just wanted was a piece of myself again, you know what mean?
Every day, I felt at war with my body and I didn't understand why I just couldn't feel.... well, normal?
I discovered the leading cause for hypothyroidism and hashimoto's is related to FOOD in some way or another. Deficiencies, sensitivities, gut, liver, stomach acid.... the list goes on and on. Shocked? YEP I was too and I definitely had my doubts. But I'm beyond 7 years of eating "for" my thyroid health WITHOUT dieting or fads which led me to being medication free, perfect labs, and feeling better than I EVER have. NOT TO MENTION the HUNDREDS of other women accomplishing the exact same thing!
I never knew eating "for" thyroid health was a thing or something I should even do. I mean sure we all know to "eat healthy", but I never knew there were HEALTHY FOODS that could lead to damaging my thyroid. And I NEVER KNEW that being deficient in nutrients or macros mattered to my hormone production!! Or even that my IBS, high cholesterol, diabetes, heartburn, depression, and anxiety WERE ALL CONNECTED to my thyroid disease AND how I was eating!!
All I know is back then, I just wanted was a piece of myself again, you know what mean?
Every day, I felt at war with my body and I didn't understand why I just couldn't feel.... well, normal?
Yes this is true, you will always need medication, please never stop taking it! BUT your body STILL needs to use that medication correctly. When it doesn't, symptoms will persist - always! You know what can prevent your body from using medication effectively? FOOD!
"But my Dr says my diet doesn't matter" ...
YEP mine did too!! You know what I discovered? Dr's are not trained in nutrition - they are trained in medicine!! They take LESS than 20 hours of nutrition courses in 4 years of med school. Conventional medicine can be a miracle in many ways, but conventional medicine is exactly that - MEDICINE!! They are trained in symptoms, labs and MEDS! NOT looking for the reason behind that symptom!
"I have Hashimoto's - that's different" ...
It's actually not!! Hashimoto's is the leading cause of hypothyroidism ... it's estimated that over 90% of those of us who are hypo are in this state due to Hashimoto's. The problem is it's often not tested AND antibodies can go years undetected by labs. Do you know what the leading cause of Hashimoto's is? Different areas connected to FOOD!! Gut heath, deficiencies, food sensitivities, liver, stomach acid and beyond - ALL connect to what and how we eat!
The Hypothyroid Nutrition Pack To Help Get You Started...
(Instant access delivered in digital form)
I understand your doubts, because I had them to so I understand. That's why I want to give you an action plan. Something that will take you BEYOND recipes and help you see the connections. Connecting those dots can open your eyes and help you unlock what holds you back from feeling your best.
It's NOT "Just" Thyroid
This disease is FAR beyond "just" a thyroid disease! There are so many other factors involved yet we're told a pill is the "solution".
Slow Destruction
Our Critical Needs
Leaves HOLES in our nutrition and leads to additional health issues?
I used to be the diet queen .... And here is what happened....
Leaves HOLES in our nutrition and leads to additional health issues?
I used to be the diet queen .... And here is what happened....
Eating too lean left me nutrient deficient.
Eating low carb tanked my thyroid T3 hormones. (this one was awful!!)
Eating low calorie left my body starving.
Eating high protein left me in a "thyroid deficit" & chronic low blood sugars
Eating "diet" foods affected my gut and loaded my body with toxins...
I "thought" I was FINALLY eating really healthy - Turns out I was doing it wrong!
I had no idea what I was eating contributed to EVERY SINGLE health issue I had... debilitating heartburn, high cholesterol, diabetes, IBS, anxiety, depression, & YES EVEN my hypothyroidism.
I "thought" I was FINALLY eating really healthy - Turns out I was doing it wrong!
I had no idea what I was eating contributed to EVERY SINGLE health issue I had... debilitating heartburn, high cholesterol, diabetes, IBS, anxiety, depression, & YES EVEN my hypothyroidism.
Not to just my Hypothyroidism, but ALL of it!
My diabetes, high cholesterol, heartburn (17 years worth), IBS, anxiety, and depression.... I was just done!
... What Is The Hypothyroid Nutrition Pack? ...
It's guidance on helping you get started eating "FOR" thyroid health.... Delivered to your inbox instantly!
Gluten Free is where it begins and it was LITERALLY the very first step on this road for me but man was it hard and confusing. I didn't know what gluten was, where to find it, what to even replace it with. I felt like, every time I was on a roll, I'd find something sneaky with gluten in it. I was accidentally "GLUTENED" more times than I could count.
It became defeating. My vitamins, things I used all the time like taco seasoning and bullion cubes, gravys, and soups. Even when I ate out and ordered eggs assuming this had to be perfectly safe - NOPE!! Turns out MANY restaurants add pancake batter to their eggs bc it makes them fluffier... I mean SERIOUSLY!!!
This doesn't have to happen to you tho! Because I put all of my research into this 48 page digital Master guide to help you through every part of living gluten free. PLUS a 46 page laid out balanced meal plan with over 40 recipes so you have great ideas to get you going.
Who Charges a TON for their time
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As I continued my research and uncovered the 3 MASSIVE reasons WHY gluten affects our health in such huge ways I was done with it. It was easier to stick to being gluten free because I was able to grasp "WHY" it mattered and I've never looked back!
It's a cheap filler so manufacturers will pretty much put it in anything to help bind ingredients. It's really frustrating and WORST YET there are DOZENS of sneaky words that sound NOTHING like "wheat" or "gluten". Maltodextrin for example can be derived from wheat and we find this word in everything.
This 9 page (yes 9 pages-crazy right!) guide is loaded with all the sneaky places gluten hides PLUS resources to research your medication to help prevent you from getting "glutened" like I did SO many times!
This is a 7 day meal planner to help you layout your week of meals AND to help you keep it simple! You can take what you learn about nutrition and apply it with this planner.
They say "if you don't plan, then plan to fail" - well I've got you covered!
WHAT AND HOW you eat will literally make or break your thyroid health ... These tools are exactly how you go about eating "for" thyroid health rather than against it!!
ONLY For A Limited Time!
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That I would NOT be here MEDICATION FREE and feeling my best had I not taken a chance on myself and had that moment of HOPE years ago.
And NOW you can start too - the hard work has been done for you!
I've helped hundreds of women take their life back now and I can't wait to add you to that list.
Remember, You only heal by getting to the ROOT of the problem. WHY you are Hypothyroid in the first place and REMEMBER: It's NOT genetics!! Dig deeper and you will find solutions you never imagined were possible...
-Sincerely, Sue Peters
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